Pioneering newsletter and website has new look and feel for its long-time readers. Hoopscooponline.com has been around since basketball recruiting information has been on the Internet and now the online experience matches the depth of its content.
It’s been a long time coming, but our player rankings partners at the Hoop Scoop recently got a major facelift. Hoopscooponline.com is a national recruiting web site and scouting service that provides in-depth analysis, rankings, and coverage of grassroots basketball.
While one of our main focuses is national team rankings with the Student Sports FAB 50 that we publish on a weekly basis during the season, the main focus of the Hoop Scoop is national player rankings. Editor and publisher Clark Francis was a pioneer is separating rankings of senior and fifth-year players, beginning with the 2001 class, and ranking youth players, which is now done by a host of hobbyists and even parents of players.
While a few have published national rankings longer, no one has published player rankings readily available on the Internet that go back further than the Hoop Scoop. Check out a snapshot of the rankings by CLICKING HERE and know that you can get the complete lists by subscribing to the Hoop Scoop.
The Hoop Scoop is more than just player rankings:
Hot Recruiting Information Section – Francis has daily recruiting updates that he’s been publishing on a continuous basis since 1998. Like his player rankings, that recruiting information goes back further online than anyone else in the industry.
Archives Section – New on the website is an ordering sheet to purchase back issues of the Hoop Scoop from Volume 1, Number 1 in October of 1983 through 1994. This is keen information about the recruiting scene in the days before the Internet. If you’re really into basketball and want to know the scoop about NBA players who are now retired or have kids coming up through the ranks, check this section out!
Ranking of the Top Recruiting Classes To-Date – The Hoop Scoop tracks the race to see which colleges have the best recruiting classes. Francis has done this going back to the 1998-99 season.
College Basketball Coaches Rankings – Francis ranks the top head coaches in the game today, the ones who have the most potential to move up, the top 25 up-and-coming coaches, the top 50 assistant coaches and the top 40 low-to-mid major assistants who will likely make a name for themselves one day. This unique content gives a glimpse of Francis’ knowledge and, more importantly, the relationships he has with college coaches all over the country.
The Hoop Scoop also has in-depth player rankings from events such as the JR Phenom Camp and other middle school events, not to mention the numerous grassroots camps Francis attends in the spring and summer. To give you an idea of what that means, Francis has only missed two of the superstar oriented shoe company camps since 1983 and has attended every NCAA Final Four since 1973.
The information available on the Hoop Scoop is the kind fans and parents of players should definitely take a look at. College Coaches can also subscribe, as the Hoop Scoop is a NCAA-certified scouting service. The best part about the Hoop Scoop is the site is much easier to read and navigate that it was prior to its re-launch.
For fans, a one-year subscription to The HOOP SCOOP for $100 also includes a digital copy of the book “How To Get Get Recruited.” The book provides readers with a unique insight and perspective into the recruiting process and is a must-have for families with a kid thinking about playing basketball after high school.
For more on the book “How To Get Get Recruited,” CLICK HERE and make sure to scroll around and check out the re-launched Hoop Scoop website today!
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